Caspar-Jan Hogerzeil (Director): Vita

Caspar-Jan Hogerzeil

Deep understanding and experience of film craft in all its aspects. Unique, creative and conceptual approaches towards contemporary media and society.

CASPAR-JAN HOGERZEIL has been directing advertising and promotional films since the age of 20.

Over the years, he has also been pursuing a host of different sidelines, such as screen design for moving images, music scores, video art and music videos.

These days he is mostly interested in capturing the interaction between people: dialogue, storytelling and humor.

With his decades of experience in directing, he has received numerous and quite prestigious awards, like Cannes Lions, Special UN-Award, as well as several ADC awards in different categories. One of his promotional films became part of the permanent collection of the German Museum of History.

Caspar’s extracurricular interests – which happen to neatly tie into his work – are philosophy, art, culture theory and political economy.